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Each team can create two types of wallets: Asset Wallet and Web3 Wallet. Users can select which wallet to create based on the needs of the team. Structure for team wallets can be shown below:

TeamAsset WalletWeb3 WalletWallet 1Wallet 2...Wallet 1Wallet 2...BTC BTC address 1ETH...BTC address 2...ETH addressEVMEVM address

Asset Wallet

Asset wallets are used for the transfers of coins/tokens; currently, NFT transfers are not supported and it cannot interact with Web3 applications.

A team can have multiple asset wallets and each wallet can be used to create multiple public addresses across various chains, such as BTC, ETH, etc. When it comes to account-based blockchain wallets, such as ETH, only one ETH address can be created for each asset wallet. For wallets associated with UTXO, such as BTC wallets, multiple BTC addresses can be created under the same asset wallet.

Asset wallets will only support coins and tokens listed by Safeheron.


All coins/tokens listed on Safeheron have been audited by us and our security partners. If you need access to a token that's not listed, please contact the Safeheron support team at

Asset wallets can be managed using the Safeheron mobile App or API.

  • Mobile App: Create wallets, view balances, view addresses, initiate transfers, view on-chain transactions and so on.
  • API: Create wallets, query balances, addresses, initiate transfers, view on-chain transactions and receive on-chain transaction status via webhook, etc. Therefor, making our API an ideal service for teams looking to automate transfers.

Web3 Wallet

Web3 wallets are primarily used for Web3 interactions with Dapps, including the sending and receiving of NFTs, coin/Token, as well as contract deployment, contract permission management, etc.

Teams can have multiple Web3 wallets and each wallet can create additional wallets on different blockchains as long as that blockchain is supported by Safeheron such as EVM chains. Users only create one EVM wallet under the same Web3 wallet and can easily switch between multiple EVM networks.

Custom tokens and NFTs are supported via the Safeheron extension.


To avoid falling victim to attacks such as phishing, users should proceed with caution when engaging with custom tokens/NFTs.

Web3 wallets can be managed via the Safeheron mobile App, browser extension, and API.

  • Mobile App: Create wallets, view transaction approval, signature status, etc. It does not currently support initiating transfer transactions, viewing balances, on-chain transaction history, etc. A third-party application or the Safeheron extension can be used to view the wallet balance and transactions history.

  • Safeheron's Browser Extension: Similar to MetaMask, our browser extension can create wallets, transfer coins/token, add custom tokens, interact with Web3 applications, deploy contracts, and manage contract permissions.

  • API: Create wallets, initiate eth_sign, personal_sign, eth_signTypedData and eth_signTransaction signature request, query approval status, MPC Sign status, signature results, etc..

Asset Wallet vs. Web3 Wallet

Asset WalletWeb3 Wallet
Use CaseCoin/Token TransferWeb3 Interaction
Custom TokenNot supported, contact the Safeheron support team for helpSupported
Custom NFTNot SupportedSupported
Mobile App ManagementSupportedCurrently, only supports creating wallets in mobile app
Browser Extension ManagementNot SupportedSupported
Switch Between EVM NetworksOnly supported EVM networksMultiple EVM networks
API ManagementSupportedSupported except when querying transaction status and Webhook information